VO Easy Job Management Tool

It's time to get your client process under control! You've done the work to get the clients. Maybe you've even done the work to set up a CRM like Nimble or HubSpot. Yet things still fall through the cracks - do you forget to follow up on an audition sometimes, or forget to send out a invoice? We all do. 

That's where the Easy Client Management Tool comes in - it will keep all of your clients on track visually, so you know exactly where every client is in the process at all times on an easy to use Trello Board.

With custom fields to indicate what they purchased, when things are scheduled and what the details are, you can always find the important information at a glance. Colorful labels can give you an idea of what type of job this is, or any other data that will help you visually organize your work.

This tool doesn't replace your CRM - it works side by side. Use your CRM to automate the broadstrokes of the client's process - the emails, the invoicing, the scheduling. The Easy Voiceover Job Management Tools lets you track the rest - who needs what script and when, which clients have working needing approvals, and who has jobs that need to be revised. 

And if you don't have a CRM in place, this can absolutely still help you! Setup your fields to make sense for YOU and the way your client process works. 

Whether you are running a part time business auditioning a couple of times a month, or high volume studio with a full roster and calendar, this tool is flexible and will keep you (and your goals) on the same page and moving forward efficiently. 

I have included a Trello template board, fully fleshed out with example steps, categories, custom fields, template card and checklists. 

Also included is instructional videos to walk you through every step of the process.

This purchase is for a template and does not include implementation services. Due to the digital nature of the product, refunds will not be given, so review the description carefully. 

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 $149.00 USD

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Do you agree to the Terms of Use: This is for PERSONAL USE. NO COMMERCIAL LICENSE. This means that you may use this in your business, but not share with anyone else and you may not resell it. Stealing is for chumps, you would never do that, right?

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